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Sic Export Market Analysis in 2015 Q1

The amount of China's silicon carbide export from January to March increased while the average export price declined. In the first quarter of 2015, China's Sic export totaled 82,000 tons, which increased 14.4% on year-on-year basis.

From: iAbrasive.comDate: 2015-05-18 09:50:30Views: 628

silicon carbide

The amount of China's silicon carbide export from January to March increased while the average export price declined. In the first quarter of 2015, China's Sic export totaled 82,000 tons, which increased 14.4% on year-on-year basis. The export aggregate amount was $79,960,000, which declined 5.7% on year-on-year basis. The average export price was 975.4 dollars per ton, which dropped 17.6%.

The major cause for this is that since 2013 when Sic export quotas management was abolished, tax evasion became a prevalent trend. Since there was no restriction for export volume, Sic export witnessed a surge. Meanwhile, due to the fact that China's Sic products have an obvious price advantage in international market, offshore purchase has been on the rise annually.

China's Sic has been exported to 60 countries and regions worldwide in the first quarter of 2015. Among them, the first five countries China exports to are America, Japan, South Korea, the European Union, and Taiwan. The total export amount was 70,000 tons, accounting for 85.4% of the export amount of the year.

Among China's major exporting countries and regions, America, Japan, and the EU markets have purchased more Sic, while Taiwan and South Korea are less. The reason is that currently, China's Sic is inexpensive and America's steel and iron yields are stable, so they have an increasing demand for China's Sic products used in metallurgical industry. Influenced by solar photovoltaic anti-dumping, Taiwan and South Korea's solar photovoltaic industry are hit so hard that their demand for green Sic has decline sharply.

In the first quarter of 2015, companies in Guangdong Province have exported more proportion of Sic. The total export volume was 35,000 tons, taking up 42.5% of China's total export volume, and increased 88.2% on year-on-year basis. The second and the third are Henan Province and Tianjin Province, whose export proportion are respectively 16.7% and 11.1%, and the increase rate are respectively 25.96% and 79.6%.

In the first quarter of 2015, Tianjin Customs exported 51,000 tons of Sic, taking up 62.4% of the year and increased 8.8%. Next come Dalian Customs and Nanjing Customs, both of whose export volume are 10,000 tons, and the increase rate is 12%.


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