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iAbrasive Reported on the Market Situation of China's Flap DIscs Industry in 2013

Specializing in abrasives industry only, iAbrasive currently made a report on the market situation of Chinese flap discs in 2013.

From: www.iabrasive.comDate: 2014-06-23 08:28:27Views: 599

iAbrasive currently conducted a survey to find out the market situation of Chinese flap discs in 2013.  

1. Categories of Flap Discs Manufacturers

Chinese flap discs manufacturers can be categorized into four types according to the management scales, including super manufacturer with daily output more than 80,000 pieces, big manufacturer with daily output from 50,000 to 80,000 pieces, small manufacturer with daily output from 20,000 to 50,000 pieces and family workshop with daily output less than 20,000 pieces.

2.Chinese Flap Discs Market Feedback

On a whole, China’s flap discs industry was still making progresses during the past 2013. Flap discs sizes of 100mm, 125mm and 180mm sold the best in the global market. The substrate of the flap disc, also called the backing plated/pad, still consisted of either fiberglass or plastic. Since machine was replacing the labor force constantly, iAbrasive predicted that one-component epoxy resin glue for automation would be the trend in future.

3. Conventional Sales Approach Still Took the Leading Place

As for the sales approach, most flap discs manufacturers were still doing business conventionally, such as spending much money on advertising or attending trade shows. Most of them knew little about network sales, and lacked the brand-building awareness.

To develop China’s flap discs industry in a sustainable way, iAbrasive suggests manufacturers firstly have an overall understanding of the global flap discs market situation. Then, keep up with the market trend and work out development strategies accordingly. Besides, improving enterprise visibility and establishing own brands are of great significance for the enterprise to win a place in the fierce market competition.




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